
Questions & Answers

Some common questions we get about LinkEdge

  • Getting Started

    1. What is LinkEdge and how does it work?

    LinkEdge's service empowers both users and admins to seamlessly refer potential candidates from LinkedIn, manage referrals, communicate effectively, and streamline the hiring process using the browser extension and CRM system.

    2. How Do I Sign Up?

    To begin, go to Getting Started section. once sign up, our dedicated team will work hand-in-hand with your company representatives to seamlessly integrate our service. We're committed to understanding your unique needs and aligning our solution to optimize your hiring process, ensuring a smooth and tailored implementation.

    3. How Does the Browser Extension for Users Work?

    The browser extension simplifies referring candidates from LinkedIn. Users can provide feedback, answer admin queries, and collaborate effectively.

    4. What is the CRM System for Admins?

    The CRM system provides admins with a centralized hub to manage candidate referrals, communicate with users, query them for additional information, and make data-driven decisions.

    5. How Can I Refer a Candidate Using the Browser Extension?

    Users can refer potential candidates directly from LinkedIn profiles using the browser extension. Just click on the extension icon and provide relevant details.

    6. Is There a Trial Period?

    Yes, we offer a 1-month trial period, allowing users and admins to explore our service, including the browser extension and CRM system.

  • Manage your account

    1. How Do I Access My Account?

    To access your account, navigate to the browser extension or CRM and click on the "Login" or "Sign In" button. Enter the email address and password you used during registration to log in.

    2. How Can I Update My Account Information?

    Keeping your account information up to date is important. Users and administrators can easily update their account details by logging into their accounts and navigating to the "My Profile" section. Here, you can modify your name, contact information, and any other relevant details.

    3. Can I Change My Password?

    Yes, both users and administrators have the ability to change their passwords. Simply log in to your account, access the "My Profile" section, and follow the instructions to set a new password.

    4. How Do I Reset My Password If I Forget It?

    If you forget your password, don't worry. On the login page, click on the "Forgot Password" link. You'll be prompted to enter your registered email address. Follow the instructions sent to your email to reset your password securely.

    5. How Can I Manage My Referral History?

    For users, managing your referral history is a breeze. Within the browser extension, you can review the candidates you've referred and track the progress of each referral. This overview helps you stay informed and engaged in the hiring process.

    6. Can I Access Account Tutorials and Guides?

    Empower yourself with knowledge. Users and admins can access a wealth of tutorials and guides within their accounts. These resources provide step-by-step instructions to optimize your experience and make the most of the service's features.

  • Purchase and License

    1. How Can I Purchase LinkEdge Service?

    Purchasing our service is simple. Once you a have trial license, log in into the Admin section and click on upgrade. Choose the subscription plan that aligns with your organization's size and needs. Click on the "Upgrade" button, and you'll be guided through the secure payment process. Once your payment is processed, you'll gain access to the service.

    2. What Subscription Plans Do You Offer?

    Our subscription plans cater to various business requirements. We have plans tailored for small businesses, mid-sized companies, and larger enterprises. Each plan offers a range of features, including user referrals, CRM access, admin communication tools, and more. Review the details of each plan to find the one that suits your organization best.

    3. What Happens After the Trial Period Ends?

    At the end of the trial period, you'll have the option to upgrade to a paid subscription. If you choose not to upgrade, your trial account will be deactivated, and you'll lose access to the features included in the trial.

    4. What Payment Methods Do You Accept?

    We accept major credit cards, debit cards, and commonly used online payment methods. Our secure payment gateway ensures that your financial information is protected during the transaction process.

    5. Can I Cancel My Subscription?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription whenever you choose. If you decide that our service no longer meets your needs, simply initiate the cancellation process through your account settings. Your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle.

  • Policy, Safety & Copyright

    1. How Does LinkEdge Ensure User Safety?

    At LinkEdge, user safety is a paramount concern. We employ industry-standard security protocols to safeguard your personal information and ensure that your online experience with our service is secure. For detailed information on how we handle and protect data, please refer to our comprehensive Privacy Policy.

    2. How Can I Get Further Information on Policies and Copyright?

    To access more comprehensive information about our policies, safety measures, and copyright considerations, please visit the dedicated Policy, Safety, and Copyright sections on our official website. Additionally, you can always reach out to our support team for clarification or assistance on these matters.

    3. How Can I Report Inappropriate Content or Behavior?

    If you come across any content or behavior that violates our policies or raises concerns, we encourage you to promptly report it. Reach out to our dedicated support team via and provide the necessary details. We treat such reports seriously and take appropriate action.

    4. Does LinkEdge Have the Right to Amend Policies?

    Yes, LinkEdge reserves the right to review, update, modify, or amend our policies, safety guidelines, and copyright terms as needed. We recommend that you periodically review these sections on our platform to stay informed about any changes that might affect your usage.

  • Other Questions

    1. Can I Use the Service on Mobile Devices?

    Yes, our service is designed to offer a seamless experience across both desktop and mobile devices. Whether you're using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can access the CRM system to refer candidates, manage referrals, and stay updated on the hiring process, all from the convenience of your preferred device.

    2. How Do I Install the Browser Extension?

    Installing the browser extension is simple. After signing up for an account, you'll receive step-by-step instructions on how to download and install the extension. The extension will integrate with your browser, enhancing your LinkedIn browsing experience by providing a user-friendly interface for referring candidates and collaborating with admins.

    3. What Happens After I Refer a Candidate?

    Once you refer a candidate using the browser extension, your referral enters the review process. Admins will evaluate the candidate's profile and qualifications. You'll receive notifications through the extension, keeping you informed about the progress of your referral, such as when it's under review, moving to the interview stage, or awaiting a final decision.

    4. Can I Refer Candidates for Multiple Job Openings?

    Absolutely. You can refer candidates for multiple job openings within your organization. During the referral process, simply indicate the relevant job details for which the candidate is being referred. This flexibility allows you to showcase candidates' suitability for various roles.

    5. Can I Add Comments or Notes to Referrals?

    Absolutely. Both users and admins have the ability to add comments, notes, and additional insights to candidate referrals. This feature facilitates open communication, encourages collaboration, and allows users and admins to share valuable information that can influence the decision-making process.

    6. How Can I Provide Feedback to Improve the Service?

    Your feedback is invaluable to us. You can share your suggestions, insights, and feedback directly through the CRM system or by contacting our dedicated support team. Your input contributes to the ongoing improvement and optimization of the service.

We also have a Support Website

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