
Seamless Referrals: Effortless Talent Acquisition

Empower your recruitment strategy with our one-click referral system that simplifies the process, engages your team, and connects you with quality candidates through a seamless integration with your existing networks.


Make Employee Referrals a Breeze

Referring a LinkedIn connection is incredibly simple with the LinkEdge Browser Extension (Chrome, Edge). Here's the quick and easy process:

  • Select a Candidate: While browsing LinkedIn, use the extension to choose a profile you want to refer.

  • Choose the Position: Select the appropriate job opening from your company's listed positions.

  • Add a Message (Optional): Write a brief message explaining why the candidate is a good fit.

  • Attach a Resume (Optional): Optionally, attach the candidate's resume for added context.

This streamlined approach transforms every employee into an active recruiter, making talent acquisition a seamless part of their LinkedIn experience.

Efficient Collaboration with LinkEdge's Real-Time Chat Feature

LinkEdge enhances recruitment collaboration through its real-time chat feature, allowing HR teams and referring employees to discuss candidates effectively:

  • Group Chat for Instant Communication: A dedicated chat room for HR and the referring employee to share insights and discuss candidates in real-time.

  • Exchange of Ideas and Opinions: Participants can openly discuss the candidate's strengths, potential fit, and share diverse viewpoints for a comprehensive evaluation.

  • Easy Sharing of Resumes and Profiles: Quick sharing of candidate information, like resumes and LinkedIn profiles, ensures everyone has the necessary data for informed discussions.

  • Enhanced Engagement and Speed: Real-time interaction speeds up the decision-making process, making recruitment more agile and responsive.

This feature streamlines the recruitment process, fostering a collaborative environment for better hiring decisions.


Streamline your workflow, achieve excellence

Seamless Referrals allow quick and easy candidate recommendations, enhancing the talent acquisition process.


Fostering Team Engagement in Recruitment Process


Effortless Navigation for Smooth User Experience


Adaptable to Diverse Recruitment Needs


Accelerating Candidate Referrals with Speed and Ease

Elevating Talent Discovery and Collaboration

At LinkEdge, we're reshaping the way you uncover talent and drive hiring success. Our groundbreaking solution brings together your company vast LinkedIn network, creating a powerhouse of possibilities for your hiring process.


Here’s what our amazing clients are saying

Read what customers think about us

LinkEdge has transformed our recruitment process. The ability to tap into our employees' networks has been a game-changer. We've discovered exceptional talent we might have missed otherwise.

Sarah Johnson

TechWise Solutions

As an HR professional, I can't imagine working without LinkEdge now. The streamlined referral creation and insightful statistics have made our hiring decisions more data-driven and effective.

Michael Anderson


LinkEdge's connections hub has enhanced our collaborative culture. Employees feel more engaged in the hiring process, and the real-time chat feature has improved communication across teams.

Emily Mitchell

Visionary Industries

LinkEdge is a game-changer in the talent acquisition landscape. The ability to query employees for candidate insights and referrals has significantly improved our recruitment efficiency and the quality of our hires.

David Roberts

QuantumTech Innovations

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